Sunday, August 21, 2011

Club di Vino

I had the opportunity, thanks to Groupon, to spend a night out with LBaz at Club di Vino. Club di Vino is a little something that The Merk hosts once a week on Thursdays. It allows guests to enjoy (or in our case inhale) a five course meal which is paired with wines from a local-ish winery.

The first course was risotto fritti with a spicy marinara, served with Viognier.

Our second course was a delightfully rich lobster bisque, paired with a crisp Chardonnay.

Pesto salmon with the only Pinot Noir I've ever enjoyed was served third.

The fourth course was mushroom risotto with the first of two Cabernets.

The fifth and final course served was a tender bit of flat iron steak with chimichurri. The wine pairing was another Cabernet. 

And, woot! We got a bonus course! While finalizing the menu for the evening, our host decided that there may be to much meat present and so replaced this sausage mac & cheese with the mushroom risotto. Unfortunately, the menu listed the sausage mac & cheese so when our group received the risotto in its place, all hell broke loose. Or at the very least there were some mild grumbles. Our attentive server, Kevin, quickly brought a sample of the mac & cheese for all to try. Crisis averted.

Club di Vino provided reasonable portions of delectable treats, while Hansen Cellars provided an endless supply of quality wines. There may be no better way to spend a night out with a lovely lady friend.

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